Lenel OnGuard® DataConduit™ PlatformInformation, including User Administration, Badge Updates, and Role Assignment, is sent from OnGuard® to Security Asset Mangers through GFMS. The SAMs then send information, like Alarms and Key Events, back through GFMS to OnGuard®Key Systems, Inc. Global Facilities Management System (GFMS) softwareSecurity Asset Manager (SAM) Electronic Cabinets and Lockers

Integration With Lenel's OnGuard®

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The GFMS Integrator OnGuard® Driver is built on top of the functionality provided by the GFMS Integrator. It interfaces with the Lenel OnGuard® DataConduitT platform, sharing data between both and OnGuard® through configurable features set by the customer.

Lenel OpenAccess Partner

Key Systems, Inc. is a certified member of Lenel's OpenAccess Alliance Program. The interface has been formally tested and reviewed by Lenel's Quality Assurance department.
Key Systems GFMS v2.5 is certified with OnGuard 7.3.292, 7.2.269 and 7.1.481
Key Systems GFMS v2.1 is certified with OnGuard 6.6.287 and 6.5.624.
Key Systems GFMS v1.5 is certified with OnGuard 6.4.500 and 6.3.249.

GFMS OnGuard® Driver Features:

GFMS events appear in OnGuard® Alarm Monitor:

• Events, key and asset tracking, and alarms sortable and actionable

• Enforce anti passback rules on key removals

• Use Global I/O to have OnGuard® take action on GFMS events

OnGuard® User Modifications Update to GFMS in Real-time:

• OnGuard® cardholder and badge updates sync immediately to GFMS

• Assign access to keys and assets as access levels

• Ease administrative burden as all management is done through OnGuard®

Requirements & Specifications

Key Systems, Inc. combines the integration capabilities of the OnGuard® DataConduit™ service available to Lenel customers with our own integration module, GFMS Integrator. This provides a rich, stable environment for data sharing between the two software systems.


• GFMS v2.5 is certified with OnGuard® 7.1.481, 7.2.269 and 7.3.292

• GFMS v 2.1 certified with OnGuard® 6.5.624 and 6.6.287

• GFMS v 1.5b certified with OnGuard® 6.3.249 and 6.4.500


All versions require OnGuard® DataConduit™


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